Circulation desk. The circulation desk is right by the main entrance, adjacent to the reserve desk. Circulation is where you check out, return, and renew materials. It's on the first floor.
Reserve desk. This is where you can borrow textbooks and required reading for classes. It's on the first floor. Not all class textbooks are available. Please tell staff that you are an HSAS student. Reserve books are checked out for two hours, cannot be taken out of the library, and carry high late fees.
Reference desk. Need help with research? Don’t like the search results you’re getting? Can't find that book you are looking for? Have any kind of question about information? Just stop by the reference desk. Librarians are there to help.
Computers are available on every floor. There are Apple computers on the main floor. The rest are PCs. There is a computer lab in the basement. The computers do not require a login and are first come/first served. HSAS students do not have library printing accounts. Students who wish to print must buy a printing Guestcard.
Help Desk. Get help here from trained Information Technology (IT) staff for all technical questions about logins, printing, and computers. It's on the first floor, facing the computer area, on the other side of the Reference Desk.
Stacks. "Stacks" are self-service aisles of bookshelves where users can browse and locate books themselves. Lehman's stacks hold about 700,000 volumes. The stacks fill the second and third floors. The stacks on the first floor offer reference books, which are non-circulating (i.e., they cannot be checked out).
Study areas. There are study areas on all four floors. Both individual and group study tables are available. The second and third floors are designated quiet areas.