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Bloomberg Lab, Spring Term: Library: Lehman CPL Credit for BMC, ESG and BFF Courses

Get Two Liberal Arts (CPL) Credits for completing the BMC, BFF and ESG certificates

Students who complete each of the three Bloomberg Courses/Certificates--Market Concepts (BMC), Bloomberg Finance Fundamentals (BFF) and the Environmental Social Governance (ESG) Certificates are eligible for 2 credits in Liberal Arts for Prior Learning (CPL).

Once students get all three certificates, they can claim two credits for ECO 9999 to be included in their transcript, following the steps below:

  1. Save the certificates in PDF format labeled with their Full Name, EmplID and “BMC”/”ESG”.

Example: John Smith with EmplID 11223344 completed all three certificates, thus the documents should be labeled as: “JohnSmith11223344BMC.pdf”, JohnSmith11223344ESG.pdf”, and JohnSmith11223344BFF.pdf

  1. Send the certificates to

NOTE: For more information about Credit for Prior Learning (CPL) credits go

NOTE: For more information about how to obtain the certificates go to

NOTE: The Bloomberg Lab is located at the Leonard Lief Library, Room 226A. The hours of operation can be found here:

Information about the 2 Credit CPL option