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Engaged Scholarship at Lehman College

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Lehman College, as an anchor institution, takes seriously its role in Engaged Scholarship.

Lehman explores new and updated ways of implementing scholarly engagement through open conversations with faculty.

This guide introduces you to the interconnectedness of Engaged Scholarship by Lehman College faculty, staff, and students with local and global communities.


"Engaged Scholarship denotes an orientation; engaged scholars direct their energies not solely toward an academic community, or toward the life of the mind, but also toward pressing public issues or shared problems." Swarthmore College, Lang Center for Civic and Social Responsibility

Suggested Readings

  • Dxonnellan, B. (2014). Engaged Scholarship. The SAGE Encyclopedia of Action Research: A-H. 292-294.

Action Research

Engaged Scholarship at Lehman College Guide Developed By Leonard Lief Library

Rebecca Arzola: Lecturer, Government Documents-Collection Development Librarian 

Alison Lehner-Quam: Assistant Professor, Education Librarian 

Martha Lerski: Instructor, Business Librarian