Transcript – Parts of an Article Citation:
Hi, I’m Rebecca and I’m a Reference Librarian at Lehman College. And I want to go over the parts of an article citation or the elements of a citation so that you know what to look for when you’re creating your Works Cited list or References list. So, let’s look at what are the parts of a citation. So, the parts of a citation include the Author or Authors, the Year Published, the Article Title, the Journal Name, the Volume Number, Issue Number, Page Numbers, and sometimes the DOI or Digital Object Identifier depending on which format, citation format you’re using. So, let me show you an article. So, this is an article, ok, and on the first page you’ll pretty much get everything you need for the elements of this particular citation, to cite this article. You’ll see on the top it says “The Journal of Academic Librarianship”, it gives you the Volume Number (41), the Year it was Published and then the Page Numbers, and again it tells you what Journal it’s from, the Title of the Article “Socioeconomic Indicators Associated with First-year College Students’ Use of Academic Libraries”. Right underneath you’ll have the author’s names, there are three of them here, one, two, three. It’ll give you the year it was published, it says the article was available in 2015, and you can see the Abstract. You’ll see in the bottom it does give a DOI or Digital Object Identifier. Some articles may not have it and that’s ok, it just depends on what format you’re using. So, using this information here, let’s see what it looks like when you’ve put it in a Reference list. So here it goes. Here you see the last name of the author/the first name, the second author, the third author, the year it was published, the article title, and then the journal name followed by the volume number, the issue number in parentheses and then the page numbers. And for most citations you will need to put the first line left, flush left, and then the second and subsequent lines are indented. So, I hope that helps you locate where those elements are in an article and thank you. I hope this helps and I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Transcript – Find an Article Using a Citation:
Hi, my name is Rebecca and I’m a Reference Librarian at Lehman College. And I want to show you how you can get an article when your professor gives you a citation. In a few seconds I’m going to ask you to take out your cell phones so you can take a picture of the citation I’m going to show you and then we can go through the process of finding it together. Let me minimize the screen, and if you can take a picture of this, it’ll help you when we’re searching. And then here we find, we’ll see the author’s name, author’s last name/first name, and the second author, the year it was published (2015), the article title (The Hidden American Immigration Consensus: A Conjoint Analysis of Attitudes Toward Immigrants.) It’s in the “American Journal of Political Science”, that’s the journal name, the publication, and the volume it was in (Volume 59), issue (No. 3), pages 529-548. So let’s find that in the library databases. We’ll go to Google and type in Lehman College. Click on Lehman. On the Lehman website scroll to the top, and click on Library. And on the Library website we’re going to go to “E-Journals”, and we’re going to type in the name of the journal of the citation, and the name of the journal was “American Journal of Political Science” and let’s type that in here. Click Search. Now this pops up, American Journal of Political Science, and here it is again. You’ll see it’s a Peer Reviewed journal and it’s in two databases. From 1973 to 2017 in JSTOR and from 2003 to the Present in Wiley Online, so we can use either one. I want to click on the second one, Wiley Online. It brings us to the journal and there’s an Issue Archive on the left, so we’ll scroll down and click on the first one because it’s from 2015. We’ll scroll down this dropdown list and click on 2015, and it’s in Volume 59, but it was Issue 3, so we’ll click on this. Then while we’re here we can scroll down and look at the article names and see which one it is, and you’ll see it’s the first one here. I’m going to click on, right underneath, where it says PDF. It went all the way to the bottom (of the article), so we’ll go all the way to the top. You’ll see its 20 pages and here’s the article. The Hidden American Immigration Concensus: A Conjoint Analysis of Attitudes Toward Immigrants. We have the authors, the university that they’re affiliated with, and a summary of their article. So, I hope that helps. That’s how you find a citation, an article when you have, when you’re given a citation. So thank you and I’ll see you soon. Bye.
Transcript - Unintentional Plagiarism
Hi everyone my name is Rebecca and I'm a Reference Librarian at Lehman College and I want to talk to you about plagiarism, unintended plagiarism, unintentional plagiarism. Plagiarism is when someone uses someone else’s work and passes it off as their own. So if you're writing a paper and you're reading an article and you like a sentence in that article and you copy it and paste it onto your paper without acknowledging that author then you are plagiarizing and plagiarism in Lehman College, in CUNY, has some academic consequences. To reduce that what you would do is that you would cite the source that you're getting the information from. From a book or an article, a report, you just need to cite it. And that means that you have to recognize where it's coming from. You tell us who the author is, the title, when it was published and so on. There's two types of plagiarism there's purposeful or intentional plagiarism and that's when someone copies something on purpose. They know they're not supposed to do it but they do it anyway. They're hoping they're not going to get caught or the professor isn't going to recognize or see or know that that information has been plagiarized and copied and pasted into their paper. Then there's the unintentional plagiarism and I think that a lot people, a lot of college students experience that. And the reason is because they are not, they’re not doing it on purpose they just don't know what plagiarism is and they haven't planned to do it. And what happens is that what you need to do is that you need to cite it. And when you're citing someone you're acknowledging that they created this work, that they wrote this information. So I just want to show you. Let's say you're using this article. And you're looking at this article. "The Hidden American Immigration Consensus: A Conjoint Analysis of Attitudes toward Immigrants." You like this article. You're looking at the abstract which is a summary of the article. "Many studies have examined America's immigration attitudes." You keep reading and then you say oh, "Beneath Partisan divisions over immigration lies a broad consensus about who should be admitted to the country." So, let's say this sentence, you really like it. You copy it and you paste onto your Word document. But then you never acknowledge that you got it from this article. That counts as plagiarism.