The differences between the Open Web and Library Databases
- Free versus paid
- Indexed by Google versus not indexed by Google
- Material not edited/curated versus material that is edited/curated
- Other?
Searching the Open Web:
- Google
- Google Books
- Google Scholar
Searching Library Databases:
- Defined database
- Defined scholarly journal and peer-reviewed article
- Searched at least one library database
- Searched for a book
Our Services:
- Reference desk
- Circulation and Reserve desks
- Reserve textbooks
- Laptops
- iPads
- Keys to group study rooms
- Help Desk, for technical support
- Printing, Copying, and Computing
- Lehman Login needed for printing/copying
- Wireless in building
Our Policies:
- Validated ID needed to enter library
- Activated ID needed to check books out, use databases from home
Doing Research:
- Library website
- 24/7 Chat with librarian
- Research Guides (like this one!)
- Video tutorials (on Library Website)
- OneSearch --Search for Books, Articles and Media
- Access to all other CUNY libraries
- Access databases offsite with Library Barcode (on your ID card)