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DFN 445: Advanced Nutrition: Interlibrary Loan: Step-by-Step Instructions

A guide for Advanced Nutrition students

Step-by-Step Instructions to Create Interlibrary Loan Account

To request an article you will need to create an Interlibrary Loan account; after account is created you can create and submit a request. 
Here are the steps:

  1. From the Leonard Lief Library home page,, select FIND
  2. Scroll down and select Interlibrary Loan
  3. Inside open window select Interlibrary Loan Site button
  4. Select First Time Users link below the ILLiad Logon box
  5. Please read the First Time User Registration for Interlibrary Loan page
  6. Click on the First Time Users Click Here button to open the New User Registration for ILLiad page
  7. Fill in all required fields -- indicated by a red asterisk *
  8. In the Status field – Choose a Status, select a status from those listed
  9. In the Department field, select a department from the Dropdown box – Select ‘Other-Unlisted’ if your department is not listed
  10. Create a Username and Password
    1. Select a name and password you will remember
      1. You can use your Lehman 360 or CUNYfirst Username and Password if you wish
    2. Save this information in a safe place
  11. Re-enter Password
  12. Click the Submit Information button
  13. You will be directed to the Welcome Screen

Step-by-Step Instructions to Request an Article

  1. Look for Main Menu – New Request - listed on the left hand side of the screen
  2. To create a request, select Photocopy/Article
  3. Fill in requested information for all required fields (indicated by red asterisk *)
  4. If you have the journal volume, or issue numbers please enter that information
  5. Complete the Where did you learn about this item? Section
  6. When you have completed the form, select the Submit Request button

Step-by-Step Instructions to View Received Article

When the article request has been fulfilled, the article will be placed in your account and you will receive an email with a link for the ILLiad Logon screen.  There are four steps to access your article:

  1. Logon to ILLiad
  2. Main Menu - View select Electronically Received Articles
  3. Click on the PDF icon to access the article
  4. Save the article in another location (USB/flash/pen/stick drive), desktop, documents, dropbox, etc.) as the PDF will be deleted from ILLiad on the date listed in the Expires column.

Instructions Print Out