Security Desk - students, faculty, and staff can use your physical ID or your Lehman 360 Digital ID, which can be scanned from your mobile device.
Library Gallery - tables and seats for studying.
Reference Desk - Librarians will help you with research and assist you in navigating databases for books, articles, and videos.
I.T. Help Desk - point of contact for members of the Lehman College community seeking information and assistance with campus technology support issues.
Circulation and Reserve Desk (borrow and return books, textbooks, and scientific calculators)
Digital Display Wall - features classes and events; the display wall features distinctive book collections.
Leisure Collection
Study Spaces - Conversational Study Space on the entire 1st Floor, Group Study Rooms, and Library Gallery.
PC and Macs - you can walk up to any available computer and begin your work.
Scanners, Printers, and Copiers
Access and Technology Center - students registered with the Office of Student Disability Services can use the computers in the ATC where current versions of mainstream and assistive technology programs are available.