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Latin American and Latino Studies

This guide contains resources to support research in Latin American and Latino Studies


The library provides access to a variety of books in both print and electronic formats about Latin America and Latinos in the United States. You can find general reference books, histories and other scholarly books, as well as literary works by Latin American authors, and books written about them.

The video below that shows you how to find and access a library eBook. After watching the video you can try to find books yourself by typing a title, author or keyword in the search box below the video.

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Reference Books - Getting Started with Research

Reference books provide a general overview of a topic. They are great sources for getting background information when you don't know much about a subject and want to learn the basics - much in the same way you use Wikipedia in your daily life!

Pro tip: Reference books are always a good place to start your research, especially when you are trying to find or narrow down your topic.


Below are a few examples of reference eBooks in the library's collection that focus on Latin America and Latinos.