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DFN 348/448: Nutrition in the Management of Disease I & II


List of selected “keywords” to use in article searches, combined with Disease terms
Search terms as “Subjects” or “Descriptors” or in the “Abstract”
Try all or any of these terms.
As you find articles you will expand this list from terms in the “Subject” “Keywords” or “Abstracts”


Subject Terms to Try

1.   (Disease name) and nutritional aspects;
       Ex. Diabetes and nutritional aspects

2.   Diet therapy OR Dietetics OR Nutrition
      (combined with) names of diseases  –  Ex.  hypertension, cancer, etc.

3.   Nutrition Therapy OR Diet Therapy OR Nutritional Support OR Enteral Nutrition OR Parenteral Nutrition (MEDLINE or PubMed)
     (combined with) names of diseases – Ex. hypertension, cancer, etc.

4.   Diet therapy OR Food and Nutrition  (Health Reference Center)
      (combined with) disease or person - HIV Infections, HIV patients, etc.

Nutrition Terms - General

Parenteral nutrition
Weight loss
Vitamin and deficiency

Nutrition Terms - Specific

Dietary Supplementation
Nutrition Disorders
Nutritional assessment
diet fat restricted
Parenteral nutrition
Low protein diet
fish oils