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Spanish Language and Literature

A guide to Spanish language resources

Reference Books

Reference Books

Reference books are a type of source that is useful early in the research process. They are good for getting a general overview of a topic. Some examples of reference books available through the library below:

Pro tip: Search across a variety of reference sources by using the Gale eBooks database (link below).

Scholarly Books

Scholarly Books

Scholarly books dive deeper into a subject. These may include chapters focusing on different literary or linguistics topics or be whole book devoted to a topic. Some examples available through the library below. Books available through our library can be found by looking in OneSearch.


Scholarly Articles

Scholarly Articles

Similar to scholarly books, scholarly articles dive deeper into a subject. They are published in academic journals and can be searched in library databases. Some database suggestions below:

Interlibrary Loan Information

Interlibrary Loan

Sometimes you may find a citation to an article that the Lehman library does not have access to. In those cases, you can place a request via our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) system. Most times, you will receive a PDF of the article within 2 days.

Download the document below for detailed instructions for setting up an ILL account and requesting an article.