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Flipped Classroom Resources: Overview


This guide will support faculty in implementing the flipped classroom. The webinar below is a useful introduction to the pros and cons of the flipped classroom model. The short videos quickly present some of the advantages of the flipped classroom.

Flipped Classroom - Definition

  • Flipped classroom involves 3 essential parts:
    • Pre-class work
    • In-class: students practice applying their knowledge—feedback from instructor and peers—social learning environment
    • After class: students continue to test their learning and extend their learning (homework and practice)
  • Focus on learning goals through each part
  • Formative assessment through each part

See: Four Pillars of Flip (Flipped Learning Network)

Sams, A. and Bergmann, J. (2013) Flip Your Students' Learning, Educational Leadership, (70) 6, 16-20.


Webinar on Flipped Classroom -

Flipped Classroom: Rethinking Space and Time

Time: 2 minutes, 8 seconds

Flipped Class: Overcoming Common Hurdles

Time: 4 minutes, 39 seconds

Flipped Class: Formative Assessment

Time 1 minute, 40 seconds