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Thesis and Dissertation Guide: Thesis and Dissertation

Thesis and dissertation guide is intended to provide students with the information necessary to create and submit their thesis works.

Important Update

Academic works is now for student theses, capstones and dissertations.

Academic Works is Lehman's institutional repository (and CUNY's) where works can be searched and accessed by anyone online.

Learn more about Academic Works by going to

What is CUNY Academic Works?

  • A repository of research, scholarship, and creative works produced by the CUNY community
  • Content in CUNY Academic Works is freely available to everyone, and if someone searches your name or research topic using Google, it’s likely your work will be in the search results!

Other Sources

Dissertations and Theses Research Guide - CUNY Grad Center Library

Focused primarily on doctoral submissions, this Research Guide contains excellent writing tips and style guidelines.

CUNY Academic Works

Get inspired by CUNY's public-facing repository of articles, book chapters, and data written by CUNY scholars. 



Academic Works

Lehman College students are encouraged to submit their completed Theses, Capstone Projects, and Final Papers to Academic Works

Please use this Guide to help you with the writing and submission process.

1. Create an Academic Works account using your Lehman email 

2. Select Theses from the Lehman College Collections

4. Sign the agreement that displays

5. Fill out the required fields for your submission

-Capitalize the first letter of your first name and last name

-Place an embargo date on your work if you do not want it visible until that time for the world to read

-Only provide the year for publication date

-Include at least one discipline

-Choose simple keywords that best describe the content of your work, separate them by commas, choose up to three keywords.

6. Upload your work- PDF format is preferable. 

7. Submit

You will receive an email asking for revisions if necessary and alerting you when your work has been successfully received.