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LAC 267-332 / Colburn

Book Locations

Stacks See "Stacks Directory" below
Education Books & Periodicals 3rd Floor South - West
(Except Education)
1st Floor South
Government Documents 1st Floor; ask librarian
Music Scores,
Audio and Video
2nd Floor (Fine Arts)
(Except Education)
Concourse Level
Reserve, Quick Reference, 
Ready Ref
1st Floor
Special Collections 2nd Floor North - Room 230

Stacks Directory

A, B, C, D 2nd Floor South
E, F 2nd Floor North
G, GV, H, J 3rd Floor North
K 3rd Floor South - East
L 3rd Floor South (Education)
M1 – M2198 2nd Floor North (Fine Arts)
ML1 – MT1375 2nd Floor North
N 2nd Floor North
P 3rd Floor North
Q, R, S, T, U, V 3rd Floor South - East
Z 2nd Floor North

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Books that are not available in the Lehman library can be requested from another CUNY school. This service is called CLICS (CUNY Libraries Inter Campus Service). The video below will explain how to use it to have books sent to this library for you to pick up.

E-Resources from Off-Campus

From off-campus, Lehman users will be prompted to log into databases, e-journals, e-books, and other subscription resources via their CUNYFirst login.




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