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DFN 221: Food, Culture, and Society

What is Peer Review?

Peer Review in Three Minutes - NCSU (North Carolina State University) Libraries, 2014

FAQ: Peer-Reviewed or Refereed Journals in PubMed

FAQ: Peer-Reviewed or Refereed Journals in PubMed®

NLM (National Library of Medicine) has no list of peer-reviewed or refereed journals. You cannot limit a PubMed® search to peer-reviewed or refereed journals.

Most journals indexed for PubMed are peer-reviewed or refereed, but peer review criteria and reviewer or referee qualifications vary.  Check a journal's editorial information or ask the publisher about policy for specific journal titles.

Other sources, which may be available through a local library for identifying peer reviewed or refereed journals are:

  • Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) database, published by EBSCO, has a Peer Reviewed subset.
  • Medical and Health Care Books and Serials in Print, edited by Bowker staff and published by Grey House Publishing; the Serials volume has a symbol in front of refereed journal titles.
  • Ulrichsweb: a Global Serials Directory published by ProQuest LLC, provides information on each journal record if it is a refereed journal.