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Library Technology

Information about the technology available for use in the library.

Laptop, iPad, and Charger Loans

Laptop Computers

Lehman College's Office of Digital Inclusion, located in Carman Hall, offers a limited quantity of iPads and Chromebooks to loan to students. If you have general questions about the loaner program, email

Request a laptop or iPad now

Wireless Chargers

The Library also has a limited quantity of wireless chargers available for 2-hours of in-library use. Visit the Circulation-Reserve Desk to Borrow wireless chargers.  USB connection outlets are available throughout First Floor purple and orange furniture

Calculator Loans

The Library has a limited number of calculators available for patrons to borrow for up to four (4) hours at a time, including TI83+ and TI84+ graphing calculators, and TI36 and Casio F-300 ES Scientific Calculators, available at the Library's Circulation - Reserve Desk.