Participants will create an Open Educational Resource during Spring/Summer 2016 to replace a textbook as the required material for a course in Fall 2017.
- Reduce the cost of course materials for students
- Increase student engagement through customized course materials
- Participants must be full-time instructional faculty at Lehman College
- Participants must have the approval and support of their Department Chair to design and implement the OER in at least one course
- Active participation in Faculty Development Seminars (Spring 2017)
- Submit the finished OER (June 2017)
-Teach with the OER in at least one section of the course (Fall 2017)
- Present in a joint faculty panel to report on classroom adoption (Fall 2017)
- Submit a brief written assessment of the experience (January 2018)
Applications are due by Friday, December 16, 2016.
The OER must be approved for inclusion in the course syllabus by either the Department or School Executive Curriculum Committee.
Adapted from City Tech OER Fellowship Application Form