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Early Childhood Education

This guide provides an overview of early childhood education resources located through the Leonard Lief Library at Lehman College.

Welcome to the Community Research Tutorial

Hello students. Sending you all good wishes.

The videos and activities below have been created to help you find community information for your assignments. You will learn how to identify the municipal boundaries for your community (including census tract, community district, city council district and zip code), to find schools in your community and find school data and reports, and to find demographic information about your community. 

Good luck with your research. Feel free to email me ( with any questions.

With warm regards,

Alison Lehner-Quam

Education Librarian.

Community Research Tutorial

The video below, "Community Mapping and Municipal Boundaries--New York City" provides an overview on how to find municipal boundaries for your community. Go to the Community Research tab on this guide to access links included in the video.

Make sure that you jot down 1) Census Tract, 2) City Council; 3) Community District, and Zip Code for your community. You will need this information as you use the other sites. Also jot down the name and number of 2 schools in your community.


The video below "Municipal Boundaries and Schools in Westchester County" demonstrates how use the Westchester Mapping site to find municipal boundaries and school information. Link to the schools from the map that you create.

The "Finding Community District Information" video shows you the wide range of community information that you can find on the Community District site. You can even link to informative Community Health Reports.

The "Finding New York City School Information" video shows you how to find your school and school reports in the NYC DOE Website.