Legacy American FactFinder: How do I cite a table or map generated using American FactFinder?For dynamically generated tables, maps, and files from American FactFinder: U.S. Census Bureau;... more
For dynamically generated tables, maps, and files from American FactFinder:
1. U.S. Census Bureau;2
2. Name of the database or other data repository/source (e.g., American FactFinder), set off by quotation marks, or follow publication citation style;
3. The name of the person who generates the tabulation, etc., e.g., "generated by Joh
3. The name of the person who generates the tabulation, etc., e.g., "generated by John Smith;"
4. The name of the software package used to generate the tabulation, if known, e.g., "using American FactFinder;"
5. The URL of the application software's main or first page set off by angle brackets, e.g., ;
6. The date, within parenthesis, when the user generated the tabulation, e.g., (7 January 2005).
2Use semicolons to separate elements.
For a reference map in American FactFinder:
U.S. Census Bureau; generated by Jane Smith; using American FactFinder; ; (12 February 2005).
For a thematic map in American FactFinder (find the specific survey or census, data set and matrix number under the map image):
U.S. Census Bureau; Census 2000, Summary File 1, Matrix P7; generated by Joe Smith; using American FactFinder; ; (15 February 2005).
U.S. Census Bureau; American Community Survey, 2003 Summary Tables ; generated by John Smith; using American FactFinder; ; (7 January 2005).
U.S. Census Bureau; Census 2000, Summary File 1; generated by Jane Jones; using American FactFinder; ; (20 February 2004)
U.S. Census Bureau; 1990 Census of Population and Housing, Summary Tape File 3; Matrices P13, P31; generated by John Smith; using American FactFinder; ; (12 December 2004).