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Remote Resources for Education

Welcome to the Education Research Tutorial

Hello students in Education degree programs. Sending you all good wishes.

The videos and activities below have been created to help you be able to identify appropriate databases and search techniques to search for articles on your topic. You will also learn how to sign up for an Illiad (Inter Library Loan) account so you can request articles not available in our databases. As Lehman students you should be able to access the articles you need without paying a fee.

Good luck with your research. Feel free to email me ( with any questions.

With warm regards,

Alison Lehner-Quam

Education Librarian.

Education Research Tutorial

The video below, "Searching Databases with Keywords" provides a very helpful overview on searching with keywords.

Use the "Planning Your Search" document to map out your search using keywords. As you plan out your Advanced Search on paper using the three search boxes and the AND and OR operators, remember to keep your search terms simple and to place one idea in each box.


The video below "Searching the Education Source Database for Articles on Feedback" will demonstrate how to log into the Education Source database from an Education Research Guide. You will also learn how to combine different subject databases with Education Source, how to use keywords to search for articles, in this case on feedback for Middle School and High School Math students, and how to email yourself an article in pdf format with an APA citation embedded in the email.

Now use the search plan to conduct your own search of selected databases. If you have any questions about database choice or searching, you can log into the 24/7 chat service or email Lehman Education Librarian Alison Lehner-Quam (

Search Strategies

This document provides information on using AND and OR to improve your search. It also provides tips on phrase searching using quotation marks.