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EDOL Orientation


Instructional Support Services Program / Writing Resources

The Instructional Support Services Program provides academic support to all Lehman students, at both the undergraduate and graduate levels.  Please see our website or our Fall 2024 Bulletin) for an overview of the Instructional Support Services Program's services, encompassing writing support, academic coaching, and content-related tutoring.  If you have questions about any of ISSP’s services, please contact the ISSP Writing Coordinator, Lisa Estreich, at 

Students in the EDOL program are entitled to use all ISSP’s services, including writing support and academic coaching, but we encourage EDOL students to meet specifically with the designated writing specialist for the EDOL program, Isaac Rodriguez.  Isaac can assist EDOL students with all aspects of dissertation writing, including time management and goal-setting.  Whether you meet with Isaac on an as-needed or weekly basis, the goal of the consultations is to empower you to thrive as a scholar.  This year, the sign-up process for consultations with the EDOL writing consultant is separate from the ISSP appointment request process. 

An online writing workshop series and group writing sessions (via Zoom) will also be offered:  stay tuned, as more information will be posted here shortly.

Navigating the IRB and Embedding It into Your Materials

Tips on Improving Your Academic Writing


You can come to an APA citation workshop, or meet with an ISSP writing tutor for help with citation. See the ISSP Bulletin for the workshop schedule, or use the ISSP Appointment Request Form to request an appointment with a writing tutor (please indicate that you are in the EDOL program when completing your request).  The EDOL writing specialist is also available to help.  For help in setting up and using Zotero or another bibliographic manager, you can view the Zotero videos in this Orientation and you can also set up a consultation with the Lehman Library.