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General Science: NYSci

Science Friday

Why is science cool?

As part of a partnership with Talk of the Nation: Science Friday, NYSCI is developing 48 lessons Teachers TalkingScience. The lessons involve Science Friday®'s popular SciFri Videos and related inquiry based activities.

Talk of the Nation: Science Friday® is a science talk show that can be heard each Friday afternoon, 2 – 4 pm. Science Friday® is hosted by veteran NPR science correspondent Ira Flatow.

New York Hall of Science

Built initially as a pavilion for the 1964 World's Fair, the New York Hall of Science is now New York City's hands-on science and technology center. Since 1986, NYSCI has served over seven million children, parents and teachers. NYSCI's mission is to convey the excitement and understanding of science and technology to children, families, teachers and others by galvanizing their curiosity and offering them creative, participatory ways to learn. NYSCI features the largest collection of hands-on science exhibits in New York City. Visitors of all ages can explore over 450 interactive exhibits.

Science Librarian

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Stacy Katz
250 Bedford Park Blvd W
Bronx, NY 10468

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