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SHNU: Graduate Student Information Session: Teaching Science Information Literacy

科学信息素养及电子书、免费资源的利用 - Science Information Literacy, E-books, and Free Information Resources

Science Information Literacy Techniques

In the United States students often have anxiety with regards to science information and mathmatics.  One of my bigest goals in teaching science information literacy sessions is to reduce the fear and anxiety about science information.  I want to make students comfortable with science information so that they can use it in their everyday lives.

I try to do this in a number of different ways as outlined on the right.





Creating Course and Subject Guides

I create online course and subject guides to collect all the information students need in one location.  I try to select the best resources available to them to complete the project.  Here are some examples of guides I have created.

Using Cartoons

I use cartoons to help explain some science infromation literacy concepts.

Below is a cartoon I use to expalin the significance of author order with research articles.

I feel that this cartoon makes students laugh. I think that this helps them to remember the concept presented.


"Piled Higher and Deeper" by Jorge Cham

Using Videos

I use short videos to teach various information literacy concepts.

I get bored just having a teacher or professor talk to me so I do not want the students to be bored.

I use videos as a way to get students attention, start conversations about topics, and variety to information literacy sessions.

Using Parallel Examples

I try to locate examples, which students would be familiar with, that parallel a scientific information literacy concept I am trying to teach.

For example in the table below I use the concept of dog breeds to teach scientific names and a bit about scientific classification. These concepts are important to understand when looking for information on organisms.

  Animals   Plants
Type of Animal Dogs


Group Terrier Genus/Genera Cannabis

Breed Epithet


Specific Epithet

Breed Name Norwich Terrier Scientific Name Cannabis sativa
Common Name spot

Common Name



Also, I use the following web page from the American Kennel Club to illustrate the concept for students:

Teaching by Example

The research process of finding information is not aways a straight road.  Often one encounters issues on the way to finding the information you need.  The most important thing is what you do when a issue or problem comes up.

I am not the best speller.  When teaching a class I may  inadvertently misspell a search term.

When this happens sometimes no results are found.  I show the students my mistake and then correct the spelling emphasizing that mistakes can happen in the information searching.  That if something you do does not get results double check you search and try again.

I want students to understand that finding information is not a perfect science, but what matters most is figuring out the issue and moving forward and finding the information you seek,

Locating the information you need can be a trial and error process.

Science Librarian

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Stacy Katz
250 Bedford Park Blvd W
Bronx, NY 10468


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教育学 (Education), 心理学 (Psychology)